Many people struggle with finding worth, especially after experiencing failures or walking through a dark season. Here are a few ways to recalibrate, discover, and embrace your value.
Look Inside
So many times, we look for external validation. It isn’t your fault; the way society is set up is to reward the prettiest, fastest, smartest, or richest. But did you know that there are many miserable, successful people?
When you really reflect on the unique qualities that you bring to the table and are aware of what makes you important (primarily that you were created that way), no one can take that from you. The power lies in your hands.
Walk in Your Purpose
Take the journey to figure out what your purpose is. Your purpose will always align with your natural gifts. You won’t have to struggle to make things fall into place. The skills that you already possess act as the foundation for carrying out what you were put here to do.
So, take time to reflect, seek guidance from above, and find out what drives you. What would you do every day for the rest of your life if you didn’t get paid for it?
Take Care of Yourself
Self-care is a very important element of maintaining a healthy mentality and personal wellbeing. It doesn’t have to be elaborate. It could be anything: eating your favorite meal, taking a walk, turning off your phone for a while, reading a good book, etc. The point is simply to take some time to honor your existence in a way that doesn’t require external input.
Continue Learning
The more you grow, the more opportunities you provide yourself to explore new dimensions of life. Don’t remain stagnant. Invest in developing your knowledge and skills. This could mean watching instructional videos, taking classes, reading, or seeking coaching in your area of interest.
Don’t Be Afraid to Fail
Perhaps the greatest teacher is failure. Failure does not equal eternal defeat. When things go wrong, it gives you the chance to analyze what can be done in the future to get it right. You develop emotionally and intellectually.
When you are able to be vulnerable, you will gain confidence. Real confidence is being bold enough to try even though you know failure is a possibility, not just performing well when things are in your favor.
Recognize That You are Loved
No matter if anyone tells you this or not, you are loved. You were created for a special purpose, and the one who put you here loves you. Equipped with this information, take courage, and know that you are enough!
What are some ways that you find value in yourself?